2019年3月25日,美国政府出版局发布一份由美国贸易代表办公室总法律顾问公告Stephen P. Vaughn(斯蒂芬·沃恩)署名的通知,批准87项针对美国对华301征税340亿清单的产品排除申请。此次排除涉及29个10位美国税号,其中3个10位税号下的产品完全被排除,26个10位税号下的部分产品被排除。排除的效力将从本决定公告之日起开始计算,为期一年。
美方发布301征税340亿清单第二批产品排除目录 |
全部排除税号 |
美国税号 |
具体排除产品(英文版) |
具体排除产品(中文参考版) |
8412.21.0045 |
8430.31.0040 |
8607.21.1000 |
部分排除税号 |
美国税号 |
具体排除产品(英文版) |
具体排除产品(中文参考版) |
8413.70.2004 |
Submersiblecentrifugal pumps,eachpowered by 36 v motor |
潜水离心泵,毎台由36V电机供电 |
8413.81.0040 |
Breastpumps,whetheror not with accessories or batteries |
吸乳器,不论是否带有配件或电池 |
8413.91.9095 |
Impellersof plastic designed for centrifugal pumps,each of the foregoingwith outside dianeter of 73 mm or more but not more than 74 mm. |
铸铁叶轮外壳;为离心泵设计的塑料叶轮,上述每根外径为73毫米或以上但不超过74臺米 |
8413.91.9080 |
8414.90.4165 |
Compressorhousings designed for turbochargers |
为涡轮增压器设计的压縮机壳体 |
8421.19.0000 |
Saladspinners,ofplastics,notelectrically powered |
塑料沙拉旋转器,非电动 |
8421.21.0000 |
Machineryfor filtering water,submersible,poweredby batteries,manuallyoperated,suchmachinery designed for use in pools,basins,aquariums,spasor similar contained bodies of water;Machinerydesigned for removing waste from water in saltwater aquariums byinjecting air bubbles then filtering such bubbles;Electronicwater oxidizers designed for purifying water for household washingmachines;Hand-heldultraviolet water;purifiers,poweredby batteries。 |
过滤水,潜水器,电池供电,手动操作的机器,设计用于游泳池,水池水族馆,水疗池或类似水体;设计用于通过注入气泡然后过滤这些气泡来清除海水水族箱中的废水的机器;用于净化家用洗衣机水的电子水氧化器;由电池供电的手持式紫外线净水器 |
8421.22.0000 |
Filtersdesigned to remove sulfites from win |
用于去除葡萄酒中亚硫酸盐的过滤器 |
8421.99.0040 |
Filterhousings,covers,orcouplings,theforegoing of steel and comprising parts of machinery or apparatusfor filtering liquids |
过滤器外壳,盖子或联轴器,上述钢材,包括用于过滤液体的机器或设备部件 |
8428.32.0000 |
SteelL-shaped bucket elevator,eachcomprising steel buckets bolted to a steel chain with guide wiresand drive system |
钢制L形斗式提升机,每个都包括用栓固定在钢上的钢制支架,带有导丝和驱动系统 |
8431.49.9095 |
Vulcanizedrubber tracks. each incorporating cords and cleats ofsteel,designedfor use on construction equipment |
硫化橡胺履带,每根都包合钢丝绳和夹板,设计用于建筑设备 |
8439.91.9000 |
Rotorsdesigned to agitate paper and water into pulp,ofstainless steel,theforegoing comprising parts of machinery for making pulp of fibrouscellulosic materials |
设计用于将纸和水搅拌成不锈钢纸浆的转子,前述包括用于制造纤维状纤维素材料纸浆的机器部件 |
8471.70.6000 |
Automateddata processing storage units(otherthan magnetic disk drive units),notassembled in cabinets for placing on a table or similar place,notpresented with any other unit of a system |
自动数据处理存储单元(磁盘驱动器单元除外),未组装在机柜中放置在桌子或类似场所,未与系统的任何其他单元一起提供 |
8479.10.0060 |
Bituminouspavers,self-propelled,eachwith a weight exceeding 14.9 metric tons but not exceeding 18.2metric tons,withworking width of 2.4m or more but not over 8.6m |
自行式沥青摊铺机,每个摊铺机的重量超过14.9公吨但不超过18.2公吨,工作宽度为2.4米或以上但不超过8.6米 |
8481.30.9000 |
Checkvalves,ofacrylonitrile butadiene styrene(ABS),eachweighing 120 g or lesss,Checkvalves,ofplastics |
丙烯腈-丁二烯-乙烯(ABS)止回阀,每个重120克或以下,塑料止回阀 |
8501.10.4020 |
Electricmotors,AC,permanentsplit capacitor type,eachin a housing with outside diameter of 84 mm or less,withoutput of 6W or more but not exceeding 16w |
电动机,交流电,永久分高电容器型,每个都在外径为84毫米或以下的外売中,输出功率为6瓦或以上但不超过16瓦 |
8501.31.5000 |
DCmotors rated at 739.6 W,eachwith a housing with external diameter of 85 mm or more but notexceeding 90 mm and weight of 257 g or less |
额定功率为739.6W的直流电机,每个外壳的外径为85mm或以上但不超过90mm,重量力257g或以下 |